Tuesday, May 1, 2012



Q. : What is a Phobia?

Ans. : An unreasonable fear or hatred of something is called a Phobia.

Ablutophobia Taking bath or Washing
Acarophobia Insects that cause itching
Achluophobia Darkness
Acousticophobia Noise
Acrophobia / Altophobia Heights
Aerophobia Air
Aeroacrophobia Open heigh places
Aeronausiphobia Vomiting secondary to airsickness
Agateophobia Insanity
Agliophobia / Algophobia Pain
Agoraphobia Open or public places
Agraphobia Sexual abuse
Agrizoophobia Wild animals
Agyrophobia Streets
Aichmophobia Needles or pointed objects
Ailurophobia Cats
Albuminurophobia Kidney disease
Alektorophobia Chickens
Alliumphobia Garlic
Allodoxaphobia Opinions
Amathophobia Dust
Amaxophobia Riding in a car
Ambulophobia Walking
Amnesiphobia Amnesia
Amychophobia Scratches or being scratched
Anablephobia Looking up
Ancraophobia / Anemophobia Wind or air drafts
Androphobia / Arrhenphobia Men
Anginophobia Angina, Choking or narrowness
Anglophobia England or English culture
Angrophobia Anger or of becoming angry
Ankylophobia Immobility of a joint
Anthrophobia / Anthophobia Flowers
Anthropophobia People or society
Antlophobia Floods
Anuptaphobia Staying single
Apeirophobia Infinity
Aphenphosmphobia / Haphephobia Being touched
Apiphobia Bees
Apotemnophobia Persons with amputations
Arachibutyrophobia Peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
Arachnephobia / Arachnophobia Spiders
Arithmophobia Numbers
Arsonphobia Fire
Asthenophobia Fainting or weakness
Astraphobia / Astrapophobia /Ceraunophobia / Keraunophobia Thunder or lightning
Astrophobia Stars or celestial space
Asymmetriphobia Asymmetrical things
Ataxiophobia Ataxia (Muscular incoordination)
Ataxophobia Disorder or untidiness
Atelophobia Imperfection
Atephobia Ruin
Athazagoraphobia Being forgotten or ignored or forgetting
Atomosophobia Atomic explosions
Atychiphobia Failure
Aulophobia Flutes
Aurophobia Gold
Auroraphobia Northern lights
Autodysomophobia One that has a vile odor
Automatonophobia Ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsely represents a sentient being
Automysophobia Being dirty
Autophobia Being alone or of oneself
Aviophobia / Aviatophobia Flying

The above table shows Phobias starting from the letter “A”.

Rules for Changing Singular to Plural :-

If you want to learn how to change the “Singular Noun” into “Plural Noun” the following link will help you.

Rules how to change the “Singular Noun” into “Plural Noun”


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