Q. : What is an Adjective?
Ans. : A word that describes or qualifies a Noun or a Pronoun or adds something to their meaning is called an Adjective.
Read the following sentences :-
John is a good boy.
(good describes the noun boy)
But today he (John) seems sad.
(sad describes the pronoun he)
She is a clever girl.
(clever describes the noun girl)
This is a blue pen.
(blue adds something to the meaning of the noun pen)
NOTE : Adjectives are used in the following two ways :-
1). Attributively (before a Noun)
As :-
a). An angry child is not liked.
b). I saw an angry child.
( In both the sentences above Adjective (angry) is used as an epithet or attribute to the Noun (boy). Here it doesn't matter whether it (the Adjective) is before the Verb or after the Verb. The important thing is that it (the Adjective) is with the Noun described by it (the Adjective). It is,therefore said to be used Attributively. )
2). Predicatively (after a Verb)
As :-
a). The boy whom I saw was angry.
b). He (boy) seemed angry.
( In both the sentences above Adjective (angry) is used to describe the Noun (boy) and the Pronoun (He). But here it (the Adjective) is not used along with the Noun (boy) and the Pronoun (He). Here it (the Adjective) is used after the Verb or we can say it (the Adjective) is used in the predicative part of the sentence. It is,therefore said to be used Predicatively. )
Kinds of Adjectives
Basically there are 8 (eight) kinds of Adjectives. They are :-
1). Adjective of Quality (or Descriptive Adjective)
2). Adjective of Quantity
3). Adjective of Number (or Numeral Adjective)
4). Demonstrative Adjective
5). Interrogative Adjective
6). Possessive Adjective
7). Emphasizing Adjective
8). Exclamatory Adjective
The detailed study of these eight kinds of Adjectives will help us to understand Adjective in a much better way.So to have a detailed study of these eight kinds click here........
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