Q. : What is Pronoun?
Ans. : A Pronoun is a word which is used in place of a Noun.
Pronoun means for - a - Noun.
Pronouns are the substituting words.
It (Pronoun) must be of the same number, gender and person as the Noun instead of which it is used. So we should use Pronoun only when we have mentioned the Noun first.
As :-
But when the person/persons referred by First Person and Second Person Pronouns are known to each other and they are talking to each other, then for them there is no need to mention the Noun first. In such a condition the Pronouns (“I”, “We” and “You”) can be used without mentioning the Noun/Nouns (for which these Pronouns are used) first. But if they (the person/persons referred by the First Person and Second Person Pronouns) are unknown to each other we should mention the Noun first before using the Pronouns “I”, “We” and “You”.
As :-
A person named John wants to tell something to a person named Mohan. John can use the Pronouns without mentioning the Noun/Nouns as in the following sentence :-
“I am thankful to you for the act of kindness which you did to me.”
Pronouns are used to avoid the repetition of Nouns.
In reality they are the Nouns in disguise.
Kinds of Pronouns
Pronouns have the following kinds according to the context in which they come. They are :-
1). Personal Pronoun
Personal Pronoun is that which is used for the person/persons speaking or person/persons spoken to or person/persons or thing/things spoken of.
2). Interrogative Pronoun
Interrogative Pronoun is that which is used to ask a question.
3). Relative Pronoun
Relative Pronoun refers to (it's antecedent) a Noun and also joins two sentences.
4). Distributive Pronoun
Distributive Pronoun is the Pronoun that separates one person or thing from a group of persons or things.
5). Demonstrative Pronoun
Demonstrative Pronoun is used to point out the persons or things.
6). Indefinite Pronoun
Indefinite Pronoun is used to refer persons or things in a general way.
7). Reciprocal Pronoun
Reciprocal Pronoun is the Pronoun which is formed by two Pronouns which are treated as a single unit and express mutual or reciprocal relationship.
8). Reflexive Pronoun
Reflexive Pronoun is the Pronoun which is formed by adding “self” to “my, him, her, your, and it” and “selves” to “our, them and your”.
They reflect the action done by the subject back to the subject itself.
9). Emphatic Pronoun
Just like Reflexive Pronoun the Emphatic Pronoun is also formed by adding “self” to “my, him, her, your, and it” and “selves” to “our, them and your”.
They are used with Nouns or Pronouns for the sake of emphasis only.
The detailed study of these nine kinds of Pronouns will help us to understand the Pronouns very well.So let us have a detailed study of these nine kinds one by one.
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