Q. : What is a Phobia?
Ans. : An unreasonable fear or hatred of something is called a Phobia.
Ablutophobia | Taking bath or Washing |
Acarophobia | Insects that cause itching |
Achluophobia | Darkness |
Acousticophobia | Noise |
Acrophobia / Altophobia | Heights |
Aerophobia | Air |
Aeroacrophobia | Open heigh places |
Aeronausiphobia | Vomiting secondary to airsickness |
Agateophobia | Insanity |
Agliophobia / Algophobia | Pain |
Agoraphobia | Open or public places |
Agraphobia | Sexual abuse |
Agrizoophobia | Wild animals |
Agyrophobia | Streets |
Aichmophobia | Needles or pointed objects |
Ailurophobia | Cats |
Albuminurophobia | Kidney disease |
Alektorophobia | Chickens |
Alliumphobia | Garlic |
Allodoxaphobia | Opinions |
Amathophobia | Dust |
Amaxophobia | Riding in a car |
Ambulophobia | Walking |
Amnesiphobia | Amnesia |
Amychophobia | Scratches or being scratched |
Anablephobia | Looking up |
Ancraophobia / Anemophobia | Wind or air drafts |
Androphobia / Arrhenphobia | Men |
Anginophobia | Angina, Choking or narrowness |
Anglophobia | England or English culture |
Angrophobia | Anger or of becoming angry |
Ankylophobia | Immobility of a joint |
Anthrophobia / Anthophobia | Flowers |
Anthropophobia | People or society |
Antlophobia | Floods |
Anuptaphobia | Staying single |
Apeirophobia | Infinity |
Aphenphosmphobia / Haphephobia | Being touched |
Apiphobia | Bees |
Apotemnophobia | Persons with amputations |
Arachibutyrophobia | Peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth |
Arachnephobia / Arachnophobia | Spiders |
Arithmophobia | Numbers |
Arsonphobia | Fire |
Asthenophobia | Fainting or weakness |
Astraphobia / Astrapophobia /Ceraunophobia / Keraunophobia | Thunder or lightning |
Astrophobia | Stars or celestial space |
Asymmetriphobia | Asymmetrical things |
Ataxiophobia | Ataxia (Muscular incoordination) |
Ataxophobia | Disorder or untidiness |
Atelophobia | Imperfection |
Atephobia | Ruin |
Athazagoraphobia | Being forgotten or ignored or forgetting |
Atomosophobia | Atomic explosions |
Atychiphobia | Failure |
Aulophobia | Flutes |
Aurophobia | Gold |
Auroraphobia | Northern lights |
Autodysomophobia | One that has a vile odor |
Automatonophobia | Ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsely represents a sentient being |
Automysophobia | Being dirty |
Autophobia | Being alone or of oneself |
Aviophobia / Aviatophobia | Flying |
Rules for Changing Singular to Plural :-
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